DriveTheVibe Tour Wraps Up in Vancouver
By: Michael Levine Posted 03.15.2002 12:00 PDT

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GM Canada finished kicking off its launch of the Pontiac Vibe in the 'Great White North' March 14th with the completion of the DriveTheVibe Tour. DriveTheVibe began in late February when three teams of journalists took off on a cross-country 3,800 mile (6,170 km) relay across Canada, from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Vancouver, British Columbia, in three 2003 AWD equipped Vibes.

The three teams were Abyss, Lava and Satellite, named for the color Vibe assigned to that group. Each team was composed of 20 journalists from various Candian car and news publications. At 10 swap points along the route teams switched members.

The goal of DriveTheVibe wasn't to see which team could zoom across Canada the fastest but was instead an Internet-age scavenger hunt. Teams had to take digital photos at notable landmarks and answer local trivia questions to collect points, all the while keeping an online log of their exploits at Sample points challenges included capturing a shot of the Vibe in front of the world's largest axe in Nackaeic, New Brunswick and finding three intriguing facts about potash mining in Esterhazy, Saskatchewan.

Each team's online logs provided the practical and humorous results of so long and interesting a journey.

Abyss team members Tim Dimopoulos and Greg Wilson reported, "we are approaching the 'terminus' of our voyage. [The] Car smells of Doritos mixed with the salt air of the West Coast of this truly great country of ours. The Vibe...although dirty and smelling of snack foods and brine was quite adept to this cross country trek. Both Greg and I pitty the person who has to wash these Vibes."

Team Satellite driver Sarah Bohan reported how she, "managed to avoid detection by the Abyss team by ducking behind the Aboringinal Lady. Mine were the only footprints in the thigh-deep snow! My feet are soaked again -- Argh! Is there anything I wouldn't do for Team Satellite?"

After all of the interesting exploits and challenges, Team Lava sped away from Teams Abyss and Satellite to take the final victory.

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