Pontiac Expresses Continued Interest in GenVibe.Com
By: Nick Simkins
Posted 11.06.2003 05:00 EDT

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At this year's SEMA Show in Las Vegas, we were given the opportunity to speak with several key Pontiac personnel in charge of Marketing and Design. They continued to express interest in GenVibe.Com and extending the opportunity to join us at our future events and gain critical feedback and comments about the Pontiac Vibe from members at our site.

Jim Chandra, Vibe Product Manager at Pontiac, stated the interest of coordinating a tour of the NUMMI plant in Fremont, California (where the Vibe is assembled) and Vibe Clinic this coming Spring 2004. We would be given a tour of the facility and operations to gain a much deeper knowledge of how the Vibe is manufactured. The Vibe Clinic would consist of owners who bring their Vibe on site to have issues addressed and their questions answered with actual Vibe engineers. More details on this venue will be given at a later date. If you know you would be interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, please send me e-mail so I can relay the feedback to Jim and others in the Pontiac Marketing department.

With the phenominal success of the Michigan Vibe Rally held this past June 2003, Jim (mentioned above) as well as Chris Ayotte, Marketing Manager for the Vibe and Sunfire, stated interest in becoming more involved with the rallies that are coordinated by GenVibe. Initially, we do plan on holding another Michigan Rally in 2004 as well as others across the US and Canada. We will contact the Pontiac group to notify them of our upcoming events and to gauge their interest and participation in each. As with the 2003 Michigan Rally, Pontiac and Jeff Strausser, Vibe Brand Quality Manager, were in attendance as well as were 2 Supercharged Vibes. We hope to be able to focus these future rallies around the Supercharged Vibe. This will allow attendees the ability to feel and see the Supercharger for themselves. More information on these venues will be made available as soon as possible for the upcoming year.

In line of providing Pontiac feedback about the Vibe, we do plan on once again opening public polls on the website and in the forums. These polls will enable Pontiac to gauge interest in certain aspects of the Vibe including accessories, product changes, areas of improvement, and general feedback. Keep an eye on the main webpage and in the forums in order to participate.

As you may already be aware, quite a few people from the Pontiac and GM staff frequent our website and forums regularly to view the overall feedback and opinions on the Vibe. Given legal issues at GM, they are not currently allowed to post or join the forum to provide feedback. However, the staff at GenVibe are in continuous contact with various GM and Pontiac personnel and will relay all pertinent information and feedback to them and to the members at GenVibe.

If you have any further questions, comments, or suggestions on what was mentioned above, please feel free to contact me so we can address them for you.


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